NewsDay of lifting the siege of Leningrad

Day of lifting the siege of Leningrad

27 january 2021

January 27th is one of the most important dates in the history of our city Saint-Petersburg (Leningrad previously) and country. The siege of Leningrad is a tragic and great page in Russian history, which claimed more than two million human lives. Almost 900 days of pain and suffering, courage and selflessness. As long as the memory of these terrible days lives in the hearts of people, finds a response in talented works of art, is passed from hand to hand to descendants – this will not happen again!

On this great holiday, we remember those who, at the cost of their own lives, brought Victory closer, and we address all the blockaders with words of gratitude for their steadfastness, courage and heroism. This victory was paid for with the lives of hundreds of thousands of Leningrad residents. The defenders and residents of the city showed unparalleled courage and incredible fortitude. Their share fell serious test, but nothing can break the will of the people of Leningrad to the victory. Low bow to you, honor and glory!

День снятия блокады Ленинграда
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