NewsAll-Russian Student Summer School of Information Security

All-Russian Student Summer School of Information Security

19 july 2023

The All-Russian Student Scientific Summer School on Information Security was held at SPbSUT. Representatives of all federal districts – future specialists in the field of Information Security became participants of the school.

Speakers gave lectures at the beginning of each day and after that the students were invited to solidify their skills in practice in the format of competitions. The tasks were developed and evaluated by the jury members – manufacturers of network equipment and partners of the University in the field of Information Security.

The Summer School will become a traditional annual event and will be held on the basis of the Department of Secure Communication Systems at SPbSUT as part of the implementation of the federal project "Information Security" of the national program "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation".

All-Russian Student Summer School of Information SecurityAll-Russian Student Summer School of Information SecurityAll-Russian Student Summer School of Information SecurityAll-Russian Student Summer School of Information SecurityAll-Russian Student Summer School of Information SecurityAll-Russian Student Summer School of Information Security
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