NewsSPbSUT is the winner of the All–Russian competition of Youth Employment Practices

SPbSUT is the winner of the All–Russian competition of Youth Employment Practices

13 december 2022

The results of the All–Russian competition of Youth Employment Practices in 2022 were summed up in Moscow. SPbSUT is recognized as one of the best universities, took 2nd place in the nomination "Best practice of interaction with the employer, educational organizations and employment centers".

Head of the Quality Department Irina Schemel and Head of the Business Relations Department Daria Isakova represented SPbSUT at the competition.

The selection of applications took place from September 12 to October 11, 2022. The organizing committee received 926 applications from 574 participants from 73 regions of the country. 218 applications from representatives of 52 regions were selected to participate in the final stage. Face-to-face defenses of projects were held within the framework of the final.

The award ceremony for the winners and prize-winners of the competition was held on December 9 at the MISIS University.

Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation Elena Mukhtiyarova, Director of the Department of Employment and Labor Migration of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation Mikhail Kirsanov, Deputy Director General of the Agency for the Development of Skills and Professions – Director of the Department of Professional Development of Youth Evgenia Nerodi-Grechka took part in the event.

"I want to express my gratitude to all the participants. We did not expect that the contest would attract such attention in the first year. We have received almost 1000 applications. A tremendous amount of work has been done. We expect that next year the events will be even bigger. The task of the contest is to become an annual platform for the exchange of opinions and best practices on effective employment of young people, which together we can replicate throughout the country,"- Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation Elena Mukhtiyarova said in her welcoming speech.

The competition is included in the Action Plan for the implementation of the Long-term Program for the Promotion of Youth Employment until 2030.

SPbSUT is the winner of the All–Russian competition of Youth Employment PracticesSPbSUT is the winner of the All–Russian competition of Youth Employment Practices
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