NewsCongratulations on your thesis presentation!

Congratulations on your thesis presentation!

12 november 2020


November 11th, 2020 Nguyen Zui Kyong, post-graduate student of the Department of Secured Communications Systems of SPbSUT presented his thesis for the degree of Candidate of technical Sciences on the topic: "Research and development of a universal method of stegoanalysis based on the use of NIST tests", specialty 05.13.19 - methods and systems of information security, information security in the joint dissertation Council created on the basis of The Bonch-Bruevich State University of Telecommunications (SPbSUT), St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace instrumentation and the Baltic State Technical University "VOENMEH" named after D. F. Ustinova.

Scientific supervisor - Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. Korzhik Valery Ivanovich, Professor of Department of Secured Communications Systems.

We congratulate the applicant on the successful presentation and wish him further success in his scientific work!

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