NewsHappy Day of Radio!

Happy Day of Radio!

7 may 2021
С Днем радио!

The day of May 7th went down in the history of world science and technology as the Birthday of radio.

On this day in 1895, at a meeting of the Russian Physical and Chemical Society, the Russian physicist Alexander Popov made a report and a demonstration of the world's first radio receiver created by him, carrying out the first radio communication session. In 1945, on May 7, the 50th anniversary of the invention of radio was widely celebrated in the USSR. In this regard, the government of the country decided to consider this date as an annual Radio Day, which was later approved by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of October 1st, 1980 "On holidays and memorable Days".

Today, Radio Day has become a favorite not only among radio operators, but also among employees of all branches of communications, radio, television broadcasting and informatization; in connection with its celebration, various festive events are held in Russia, colleagues and friends rush to congratulate those whose studies or work are closely related to this profession. After all, thanks to the great work and efforts of scientists, engineers, teachers, and all those who have worked and are working in this field, people today have the opportunity to use mobile communications, the Internet, radio, video, and television. And this, of course, is a huge part of our work, dear "bonchevtsy". We are sure that your knowledge, experience, and energy will continue to be the hallmark of the St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications named after the great scientist-radio engineer Mikhail Bonch-Bruevich and will allow you to reach new heights in the development of the communications and telecommunications industry.

We congratulate you, dear colleagues and students, on the Radio Day and wish you success in your work and studies, creative victories, happiness, health, and well-being!

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